§483.20(k) Preadmission Screening for individuals with a mental disorder and individuals with intellectual disability.
§483.20(k)(1) A nursing facility must not admit, on or after January 1, 1989, any new residents with: (i) Mental disorder as defined in paragraph (k)(3)(i) of this section, unless the State mental health authority has determined, based on an independent physical and mental evaluation performed by a person or entity other than the State mental health authority, prior to admission, (A) That, because of the physical and mental condition of the individual, the individual requires the level of services provided by a nursing facility; and (B) If the individual requires such level of services, whether the individual requires specialized services; or (ii) Intellectual disability, as defined in paragraph (k)(3)(ii) of this section, unless the State intellectual disability or developmental disability authority has determined prior to admission- (A) That, because of the physical and mental condition of the individual, the individual requires the level of services provided by a nursing facility; and (B) If the individual requires such level of services, whether the individual requires specialized services for intellectual disability.
§483.20(k)(2) Exceptions. For purposes of this section- (i)The preadmission screening program under paragraph(k)(1) of this section need not provide for determinations in the case of the readmission to a nursing facility of an individual who, after being admitted to the nursing facility, was transferred for care in a hospital. (ii) The State may choose not to apply the preadmission screening program under paragraph (k)(1) of this section to the admission to a nursing facility of an individual- (A) Who is admitted to the facility directly from a hospital after receiving acute inpatient care at the hospital, (B) Who requires nursing facility services for the condition for which the individual received care in the hospital, and (C) Whose attending physician has certified, before admission to the facility that the individual is likely to require less than 30 days of nursing facility services.
§483.20(k)(3) Definition. For purposes of this section- (i) An individual is considered to have a mental disorder if the individual has a serious mental disorder defined in 483.102(b)(1). (ii) An individual is considered to have an intellectual disability if the individual has an intellectual disability as defined in §483.102(b)(3) or is a person with a related condition as described in 435.1010 of this chapter.
Based on review of facility policy, clinical record review and interviews with staff, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure a Level ll PASARR was conducted for residents with mental disorders as required for four of four residents reviewed. (Residents R1, R3, R20 and R36).
Findings include:
Review of facility policy titled "Patient Access to Service and Record (PASR) Policy, not dated, revealed that the purpose of The PASARR screening is to ensure that individuals with mental illness and or intellectual disabilities are appropriately evaluated and placed in skilled nursing facilities with access to necessary services in compliance with federal and state regulations.
Further review of the facility policy revealed the process of the PASARR evaluation begins with a preadmission screening, all prospective residents will undergo a PASARR screening prior to admission, if an individual level 1 screening indicates a potential mental illness, a level ll evaluation will be completed. Admission to the facility will be contingent upon completion of the PASARR process to ensure the facility can meet the identified needs of the individual.
Continued review of the policy revealed that the facility will conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with PASARR requirements.
Review of Resident R1's quarterly MDS (minimum data set- a mandatory periodic resident assessment tool) dated May 3, 2024, revealed that the resident was admitted to the facility on August 7, 2021, and the resident had a Level ll PASARR (Pennsylvania Preadmission Screening Resident Review- a process for screening and evaluating all residents for mental disorders and intellectual disabilities) condition related to a serious mental illness. Continued review of the MDS assessment revealed that the resident had a diagnosis of Schizophrenia (a serious mental debilitating health condition that effects a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking and behavior).
Review of Resident R 1's Level 1 PASARR form, dated February 21, 2018, revealed the resident met the criteria to have a Level ll evaluation.
Continued review of the clinical record revealed that there was no indication in the record that a Level ll PASARR evaluation had been completed.
Review of Resident R3 quarterly MDS (minimum data set- a mandatory periodic resident assessment tool dated May 17, 2024, revealed that the resident was admitted to the facility on February 22, 2023, and that the resident had a Level ll PASARR condition related to a serious mental illness. Continued review of the MDS assessment revealed that the resident had a diagnosis of Schizophrenia (a serious mental debilitating health condition that effects a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and behavior., anxiety disorder, ( a type of mental health condition that involves persistent and excessive worry ) and psychotic disorder(a severe mental disorder that causes abnormal thinking and perception) .
Review of Resident R3's Level 1 PASARR form, dated August 14, 2018, revealed the resident met the criteria to have a Level ll evaluation.
Continued review of the clinical recorded revealed that there was no indication in the record that a level ll PASARR evaluation had been completed.
Review of resident R20's quarterly MDS (minimum data set- a mandatory periodic resident assessment tool dated June 5, 2024, revealed that the resident was admitted to the facility on May 31, 2019, and readmitted July 23, 2021, that the resident had a Level ll PASARR condition related to a serious mental illness. Continued review of the MDS assessment revealed that the resident had a diagnosis of Schizophrenia (a serious mental debilitating health condition that effects a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and behavior, and a diagnosis of depression (a mental disorder that involves depressed mood of loss of pleasure of interest in activities for long periods of time).
Review of Resident R 20's Level 1 PASARR form, dated May 23, 2019, revealed the resident met the criteria to have a Level ll evaluation.
Continued review of the clinical recorded revealed that there was no indication in the record that a level ll PASARR evaluation had been completed.
Interview with Employee Interview with employee E23, social worker, on July 31, 2024 at 2:20 p.m. confirmed that a level ll PASARR evaluation had not been completed for Residents R1, R3, and R20 as required.
Clinical record review revealed Resident R36 was admitted to the facility July 14, 2022 with a diagnosis that included but not limited to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (mental illness triggered by a terrifying event, either experiencing it or witnessing it), Bipolar Disorder (mental illness that causes mood episodes that ranges from extremely high to extremely low), Dementia (the loss of cognitive functioning that interferes with daily life), and Anxiety (mental health condition that involves persistent and excessive worry).
Review of Resident R36 PASARR 1 form, dated July 12, 2022, revealed that Resident R36 met the criteria to have a Level II PASARR evaluation completed.
Continued review of the clinical record revealed that there was no indication in the record that a Level II PASARR evaluation had been completed.
Interview with Employee E23, social worker, on August 01, 2024 at 11:51 a.m, confirmed Level II PASARR evaluation had not been completed for Residents R36 as required.
28 Pa. Code 201.14(a) Responsibility of licensee
| | Plan of Correction - To be completed: 09/20/2024
1. Residents identified in 2567 with inaccurate PASARRs had their records revised to reflect the current diagnosis by the Social Services Director.
2. An audit of current residents' PASARRs will be completed by the Social Services Director/Designee to ensure that they correctly reflect the residents' current diagnoses. Any concerns identified during the audit will be corrected immediately.
3. The Social Services Director/Designee will be re-educated on the components of this regulation with an emphasis on ensuring that residents' PASARRs accurately reflect their diagnoses.
4. The Social Services Director/Designee will conduct random audits of 10 residents' PASARRs, 1x week x4 weeks, biweekly x2 months, then monthly x3 months to ensure the components of this regulation are being met and PASARRs are accurate.
The findings of these quality monitoring efforts will be reported to the Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement Committee until monthly and/or until substantial compliance is met. The Quality Monitoring schedule will be modified based on findings.