QA Investigation Results

Pennsylvania Department of Health
Health Inspection Results
Health Inspection Results For:

This is the only survey for this facility

Surveys don't appear on this website until at least 41 days have elapsed since the exit date of the survey.

Initial Comments:

Based on the findings of an onsite state re-licensure survey conducted on June 28, 2024, Care Nest Home Care Agency, was found to be in compliance with the requirements of 28 Pa. Code, Health Facilities, Part IV, Chapter 51, Subpart A.

Plan of Correction:

Initial Comments:

Based on the findings of an onsite home care agency state re-licensure survey conducted on June 28, 2024, Care Nest Home Care Agency, was found not to be in compliance with the requirements of 28 Pa. Code, Health Facilities, Part IV, Chapter 611, Subpart H. Home Care Agencies and Home Care Registries.

Plan of Correction:

611.56(a) LICENSURE
Health Screening

Name - Component - 00
The screening shall be conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines for preventing the transmission of mycobacterium tuberculosis in health care settings. The documentation must indicate the date of the screening which may not be more than 1 year prior to the individual's start date.


Based on a review of personnel files (PF), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, PA REVISED Guidance for Home Care Agencies, Home Health Care Agencies and Hospices During COVID-19 Pandemic dated May 20, 2020, and an interview with the associate director, the agency did not provide documentation that a direct care worker was screened for and free from active mycobacterium tuberculosis, in accordance with CDC guidelines, for seven (7) of seven (7) PF's reviewed, (PF#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.)

Findings include:

In May 2019, the CDC updated its recommendations for TB testing of health care personnel. The CDC guidelines state that all Health Care Workers (HCW) should: 1: receive baseline tuberculosis screening upon hire by using: a two-step tuberculin skin test (TST), a single blood assay for tuberculosis (TB), or a negative chest x-ray to test for infection with tuberculosis. 2. Completion of a tuberculosis symptom questionnaire. And 3. Completion of a tuberculosis risk assessment. After baseline testing for infection with tuberculosis, HCWs should receive TB education annually. HCWs with a baseline positive test for tuberculosis infections should receive one chest radiograph result to exclude tuberculosis disease. CDC Guidelines for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health care settings, 2005. Morbidity and Mortality World Report 2005;(5-16-19)

PA REVISED Guidance for Home Care Agencies, Home Health Care Agencies and Hospices During COVID-19 Pandemic dated May 20, 2020 states, "9. Pre-employment Health Screening: The requirement for an initial baseline 2 step Mantoux skin test for tuberculin skin testing is temporarily suspended. All applicants must complete an individual risk assessment and symptom evaluation prior to hire. Any new employee who does not provide evidence of a Mantoux skin test within the previous 12 months must, as a condition of employment, receive the tuberculin skin test as soon as possible following termination of the Governor ' s COVID-19 Disaster Declaration."

A review of PF's was conducted on 6/28/24 from approximately 9:45 AM to 10:15 AM.

PF#1, Date of Hire: 5/29/2024, contained documentation of only one (1) negative tuberculosis skin test dated 3/7/2024, and did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

PF#2, Date of Hire: 9/10/2023, did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

PF#3, Date of Hire: 6/16/2024, did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

PF#4, Date of Hire: 2/3/2024, contained documentation of only one (1) negative tuberculosis skin test dated 5/8/2023 and did not contain any documentation of a symptom evaluation or risk assessment completed at the time of hire.

PF#5, Date of Hire: 6/6/2024, did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

PF#6, Date of Hire: 3/22/2024, did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

PF#7, Date of Hire: 3/24/2024, did not contain any documentation of a completed tuberculosis symptom evaluation or risk assessment at the time of hire.

An interview with the associate director conducted on June 28, 2024 at approximately 11:00 AM confirmed the above findings.

Plan of Correction:

Care Nest HCA understands the codes and have policies in place that requires a test for active tuberculosis utilizing a two step process. As noted during onboarding several of the Caregivers failed to provide a two step test. It was noted as an oversight during the Onboarding process. The Care Nest Team has been reminded by the Director and will be reviewed during the Inservice in July2024. A memo has been added to the files to document the non compliance.

As of 08July2024 the Tuberculosis Screening Policy has been updated to include:
- TB Risk Assessment
- TB Symptom Questionnaire

For every employee that is hired after 08July2024 all documents will be completed. The Care Nest Representatives will be responsible for ensuring that each is completed during Onboarding.

The Director will ensure that all Caregivers are trained annually on the TB requirements and required to submit an updated TB test as required.

Initial Comments:

Based on the findings of an onsite home care agency state re-licensure survey conducted on June 28, 2024, Care Nest Home Care Agency, was found to be in compliance with the requirements of 35 P.S. 448.809 (b).

Plan of Correction: