Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicensure survey completed January 26, 2023, Beverley's Home Health Care LLC, was found to be in compliance with the requirements of PA Code, Title 28, Health and Safety, Part IV, Health Facilities, Subpart A, Chapter 51.
Plan of Correction:
Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicensure survey completed January 26, 2023, Beverley's Home Health Care LLC, was found NOT to be in compliance with the following requirement(s) of PA Code, Title 28, Health and Safety, Part IV, Health Facilities, Subpart H, Chapter 611, Home Care Agencies and Home Care Registries.
Plan of Correction:
611.57(b) LICENSURE Prohibitions Name - Component - 00 (b) No individual as a result of the individual's affiliation with a home care agency or home care registry may assume power of attorney or guardianship over a consumer utilizing the services of that home care agency or home care registry. The home care agency or home care registry may not require a consumer to endorse checks over to the home care agency or home care registry.
Based on review of Consumer files, agency admission/welcome packet, and interview with Administration, the agency failed to inform the consumer of their rights under prohibitions that no individual as a result of the individual's affiliation with a home care agency may assume power of attorney or guardianship over a consumer utilizing the services of that home care agency or home care registry. The home care agency may not require a consumer to endorse checks over to the home care agency. This information was not provided for five, (5), of five (5), Consumers Files (CF), reviewed. (CF1, CF2, CF3, CF4, and CF5).
Findings include:
On January 26, 2023, at approximately 2:15 p.m., a review of the agency's admission packet revealed no documented evidence that the Consumer, or Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party, was informed that the agency is prohibited from requiring Consumers to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services.
On January 26, 2023, at Approximately 2:30 p.m., a review of CF #1 revealed a start of care on October 29, 2023. There was no documented evidence that the Consumer, the Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party was informed that the Consumer may not be required to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services.
On January 26, 2023, at Approximately 2:40 p.m., a review of CF #2 revealed a start of care on June 6, 2022. There was no documented evidence that the Consumer, the Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party was informed that the Consumer may not be required to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services.
On January 26, 2023, at Approximately 2:50 p.m., a review of CF #3 revealed a start of care on October 25, 2022. There was no documented evidence that the Consumer, the Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party was informed that the Consumer may not be required to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services. On January 26, 2023, at Approximately 3:00 p.m., a review of CF #4 revealed a start of care on March 29, 2022. There was no documented evidence that the Consumer, the Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party was informed that the Consumer may not be required to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services. On January 26, 2023, at Approximately 3:10 p.m., a review of CF #5 revealed a start of care on June 10, 2022. There was no documented evidence that the Consumer, the Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party was informed that the Consumer may not be required to endorse checks to the agency, and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney while using the agency's services. In an interview with the Administrative Staff on January 26, 2023, at approximately 3:30 p.m., it was confirmed that the consumer admission packet did not notify the consumer, Power of Attorney, and/or a Responsible Party that no individual as a result of the individual's affiliation with a home care agency may assume power of attorney or guardianship over a consumer utilizing the services of that home care agency. The home care agency or home care registry may not require a consumer to endorse checks over to the home care agency or home care registry.
Plan of Correction:Agency will take the following action steps based on the findings of the DOH: 1. The agency will make 5 consumers identified in the findings aware of the following requirement: That Beverley's Home Health Care (Hereafter the Agency) prohibits The Consumer, Or Power of Attorney, and/or Responsible Party, from requiring consumers to endorse checks to the agency and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney or guardianship while the consumer is using the Agency's services. The consumers must sign the policy acknowledging that they are aware and understand.
Agency will take the following actions steps to prevent future system Occurrences: 1. Beverley's Home Health Care (Hereafter the Agency) Will add a page in the Consumer admission/welcome packet that states the following: That Beverley's Home Health Care (Hereafter the Agency) prohibits The Consumer, Or Power of Attorney, and/or Responsible Party, from requiring consumers to endorse checks to the agency and the agency is prohibited from assuming Power of Attorney or guardianship while the consumer is using the Agency's services. The consumer must sign and date that they received this information and understand and a copy must be kept in consumers file.
The agency personnel responsible for making sure this is completed is: 1. Beverley's Home Health Care President and CEO
The Date of Complete Remediation is: 1. February 28th, 2023
Agency Internal Quality Management: 1. Agency will review consumer files Quarterly to ensure they contain the signed documentation acknowledging the Prohibition Policy.
Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicensure survey completed January 26, 2023, Beverley's Home Health Care LLC, was found to be in compliance with the requirements of 35 P.S. 448.809 (b).
Plan of Correction: