Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicense survey completed 11/21/2024, Arcadia Home Care & Staffing was found to be in compliance with the requirements of PA Code, Title 28, Health and Safety, Part IV, Health Facilities, Subpart A, Chapter 51.
Plan of Correction:
Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicensure survey completed 11/21/2024, Arcadia Home Care & Staffing was found not to be in compliance with the following requirements of PA Code, Title 28, Health and Safety, Part IV, Health Facilities, Subpart H, Chapter 611, Home Care Agencies and Home Care Registries.
Plan of Correction:
611.57(a) LICENSURE Consumer Rights Name - Component - 00 (a) The consumer of home care services provided by a home care agency or through a home care registry shall have the following rights: (1) To be involved in the service planning process and to receive services with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences, except where the health and safety of the direct care worker is at risk. (2) To receive at least 10 calendar days advance written notice of the intent of the home care agency or home care registry to terminate services. Less than 10 days advance written notice may be provided in the event the consumer has failed to pay for services, despite notice, and the consumer is more than 14 days in arrears, or if the health and welfare of the direct care worker is at risk.
Based on a review of the agency policy, consumer records (CR) and staff (EMP) interview, the agency failed to involve the consumer in the service planning process and to receive services with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences for three (3) of seven (7) CR's reviewed (CR5, CR6 and CR7).
Findings included:
Review of the agency client admission documents on 11/20/2024 at approximately 11:20 AM revealed, " CLIENT BILL OF RIGHTS, As a client of our services, you are entitled to: Be informed of the services offered including a written explanation of the services being provided, the schedule of services delivery and the individual delivering those services. Receive quality services identified in the plan of care ...Participate in the development of your care plan and/or family involvement in the development of your care plan ... "
A review of the CR5 with a start of services of 8/8/2022, was conducted on 11/20/2024 at approximately 1:20 PM which revealed: The initial days were listed under section "APPROXIMATE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE, WEEKDAY, NUMBER OF HOURS EACH DAY, PREFERRED TIME OF SERVICE ...MONDAY 2 hr 10-12, TUESDAY 4hr 10-2, THURSDAY 2hr 10-12, FRIDAY 2hr 10-12..." The date listed on the form was 7/26/2022. Review of the consumers October-November 2024 schedule revealed no Friday services were scheduled, and two (2) of eight (8) Monday service days were scheduled. The surveyor could not confirm from the agency documentation the change in schedule, and if the service planning needs and preferences were reviewed with the consumer or a consumer representative.
A review of the CR6 was conducted on 11/20/2024 at approximately 11:08 AM which revealed a start of service 6/27/2022. The initial days were listed under section " Services will be provided on the following schedule. NOTE: This section is to be completed for all new consumers ...*A listing of authorized services, days, times may be listed on the intake Form or Service Authorization from the Case Manager. Days of Service ...Time of Day ...Monday 8-12, Tuesday 8-12, Wednesday 8-12, Thursday 8-12, FRIDAY 8-12..." The date listed on the form was 6/27/2022. Review of the consumers October-November 2024 schedule revealed services were scheduled seven days a week and the times did not match for the Monday through Friday service schedule. The surveyor could not confirm from the agency documentation the change in schedule, or if the service planning needs and preferences were reviewed with the consumer or a consumer representative.
A review of the CR7 was conducted on 11/20/2024 at approximately 1:42 PM which revealed a start of service 5/24/2022. The initial days were listed under section " Services will be provided on the following schedule. NOTE: This section is to be completed for all new consumers ...*A listing of authorized services, days, times may be listed on the intake Form or Service Authorization from the Case Manager. Days of Service ...Time of Day ...Tuesday 1-2:30, Thursday 1-2:30..." The date listed on the form was 5/24/2022. Review of the consumers October-November 2024 schedule revealed services were provided on Tuesdays from " 9:30a-12. " The surveyor could not confirm from the agency documentation the change in schedule, or if the service planning needs and preferences were reviewed with the consumer or a consumer representative.
An exit interview was conducted with the agency director, service coordinator and office assistant on 11/20/2024 at approximately 2:05 PM which confirmed the above findings.
Plan of Correction:Staff will be re-educated on policies and procedures regarding consumer rights to be involved in the planning services received through our agency.
All client records will be audited to ensure clients are aware of and have agreed to their current schedules. If the client is not satisfied with their current schedule, schedule adjustments will be to satisfy the client. All calls and changes will be recorded in the client's file.
Initial Comments:
Based on the findings of an onsite unannounced state relicense survey completed 11/21/2024, Arcadia Home Care & Staffing was found to be in compliance with the requirements of 35 P.S. 448.809 (b).
Plan of Correction: