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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has selected Livanta to continue to serve as the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care-Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) for case review services for Pennsylvania.
Section 1866 of the Social Security Act requires Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) from Medicare-certified hospitals, critical access hospitals (CAHs), long-term acute care hospitals (LTACs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health agencies (HHAs), hospices, and comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities.
MOAs are the primary mechanism through which healthcare providers can provide updated contact information to the BFCC-QIO. On the MOA, each provider organization can list several phone and fax contact numbers. If you are not sure if your facility has an MOA on file, you may check the status, update contact information, sign a new MOA, and view FAQs through Livanta’s BFCC-QIO website:
For assistance or questions regarding an MOA, please send an email to