Observations On June 16, 2017 DDAP staff reviewed reports generated by the SMART system. The facility failed to provide sufficient dispensing staff to ensure that all patients are medicated within 15 minutes of arrival at the dispensing area.
"Patient Wait Time Reports" were reviewed for the months of April 2017 and May 2017. During the month of April 2017, 19% of the clients dosed at the facility waited more than 15 minutes to receive their medication. During the month of May 2017, 27% of the clients dosed at the facility waited more than 15 minutes to receive their medication.
Plan of Correction After review, the variables contributing to the percentages noted would indicate that patients are medicating in a timely manner. However, there are steps to take to ensure this is consistent.
Facility take-home requirements will be re-evaluated by the Director to align with the State requirements for such. Qualified patients will receive the maximum number permitted by the MD and the guidelines, which will reduce the total number of patients medicating on various days of the week, particularly weekends when medicating hours are reduced.
Acadia is relocating this facility in 2018. This will allow for additional dispensing stations and nursing staff, which will also reduce the wait time of individual patients.
Program Manager will facilitate a physical time study to determine the average wait-time of those medicating over the 5 hour window available to do so. |