Basic Services

Nursing care facilities must provide services listed below for residents who need them:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Activities
  • Social Work Services

    Additional Services

    In addition to the routine services listed above, many nursing care facilities offer extra services. Select from those listed to the right.

  • Additional Services
    All information displayed on this page has been provided by the facility and has not been altered by any Commonwealth agency.The Commonwealth is not responsible for the accuracy of this information.
    Waiting list for admission
    Respite care
    Barber/Beauty shop on-site
    In-room telephones
    In-room Cable/Satellite TV
    Facility has pets living on-site
    Pets may visit facility
    Organized family group
    General Medical Services
    Physician Assistants provide medical care
    Nurse Practitioners provide medical care
    Residents may use own physician
    Dentist visits facility
    Podiatrist visits facility
    Activities and Recreation
    Residents go out of facility for activities
    Outside groups provide activities
    Church services on-site
    Volunteers on-site
    Residents group/council
    Alzheimers and Dementia Care
    Wandering Protection programs
    Specialized Medical Services
    Dialysis services arranged by contract off-site
    Hospice services provided
    Honor Advance Directives that do not prolong life
    IV therapy
    Respiratory therapy
    Psychiatry services offered on-site
    Psychological services offered on-site
    Dietary Services
    Residents help plan menus
    Standard meal with alternatives

    Bed Information
    Percentage of beds in this facility that are occupied: 100 %
    Additional Comments