Pennsylvania Department of Health
Patient Care Inspection Results

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Severity Designations

Click here for definitions Click here for definitions Click here for definitions Click here for definitions
Minimal Citation - No Harm Minimal Harm Actual Harm Serious Harm
Inspection Results For:

There are  132 surveys for this facility. Please select a date to view the survey results.

Surveys don't appear on this website until at least 41 days have elapsed since the exit date of the survey.
Number of Residents Affected
By Deficient Practice
Initial comments:

Based on an abbreviated complaint survey completed on July 21, 2024, it was determined that Lakewood Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center was not in compliance with the following requirements of 42 CFR Part 483 Subpart B Requirements for Long Term Care and the 28 PA Code Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Long Term Care Licensure Regulations.

 Plan of Correction:

483.12(a)(1) REQUIREMENT Free from Abuse and Neglect:This is a more serious deficiency but is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency results in a negative outcome that has negatively affected the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§483.12 Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
The resident has the right to be free from abuse, neglect, misappropriation of resident property, and exploitation as defined in this subpart. This includes but is not limited to freedom from corporal punishment, involuntary seclusion and any physical or chemical restraint not required to treat the resident's medical symptoms.

§483.12(a) The facility must-

§483.12(a)(1) Not use verbal, mental, sexual, or physical abuse, corporal punishment, or involuntary seclusion;

Based on observation, a review of clinical records and resident and staff interviews, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure that one resident (Resident A2) was free from verbal and mental abuse, which resulted emotional upset and mental anguish and failed to implement sufficient measures necessary to protect other residents from verbal and mental abuse perpetrated by one resident (Resident A1) out of 10 sampled residents.

Findings include:

Review of Resident A1's clinical record revealed admission to the facility on May 27, 2024, with diagnoses, which included Alzheimer's disease, adjustment disorder with anxiety, and major depression. The resident was significantly cognitively impaired with a BIMS (Brief Interview for Mental Status a tool to assess cognitive function) score of 2.

Resident A1's care plan, initiated May 27, 2024, identified that the resident had impaired cognitive function related to Alzheimer disease as evidenced by, confusion, long and short term memory problem and poor safety awareness. Planned interventions were to administer medication as per physician orders, allow time for the resident to respond, approach in a calm manner, and to provide activities.

The resident's care plan did not identify that Resident A1 displayed any physically or verbally abusive behaviors towards other residents and staff.

A review of clinical record documention dated June 8, 2024 at 10:38 AM, revealed that Resident A1 displayed behaviors during this shift of nursing duty. The resident was making sexually inappropriate comments to staff. A nurses note dated June 18, 2024 at 2:23 PM, revealed that the resident continue to make sexually inappropriate comments towards staff.
A nursing note dated June 19, 2024 at 11:37 AM revealed that a nurse aide informed the nurse that the resident made inappropriate sexual comments, as well as derogatory comments regarding a nurse aide's ethnicity, while these nurse aides were showering the resident on June 18, 2024.

In response to these inappropriate behaviors, a psychiatric nurse practitioner ordered June 18, 2024, to start Buspirone 5 mg PO (anti-anxiety medication) as needed every 8 hours for anxiety x 14 days

Nursing documentation dated June 20, 2024 at 6:29 PM and June 21, 2024 at 2:58 PM revealed that the resident continued to make inappropriate sexual comments towards staff and had inappropriately touched a therapist and a nurse. Redirection was noted to be unsuccessful and the resident became agitated with redirecting. The resident's inappropriate sexual comments as well as derogatory comments, such as calling nursing staff a "b*tch, continued to occur according to nursing documentation dated June 24, 20240 at 8:13 AM and June 24, 2024 at 2:26 PM. Staff reminded the resident that this inappropriate conversation cannot happen as other residents appear to be agitated by Resident A1's comments. Resident A1 was also interjecting himself into the conversation another resident was having, agitating that resident. Resident A1 asked another resident "what the hell is wrong with your hands?" (referencing the physical appearance of the resident's hands) Staff asked Resident A1 not bother this other resident, but he continued to do so. The nurse then removed the other resident from area due to Resident A1 continuing to ridicule the resident's physical condition.

A nursing note June 24, 2024 at 2:47 PM noted that Resident A1 was continuing to agitate another male resident, pulling the resident's chair alarm from his wheelchair causing it to sound the alarm. Upon staff arrival, Resident A1 accused the nurse of "stealing my toy. Resident A1 refused to given alarm back to the nurse or any other staff stating "I had two of them." The nurse also advised the resident to stop reaching for another female resident's arm, which agitated Resident A1. Resident A1 then pursued another female resident and reached out stroking her arm, and the female resident became agitated.

A nursing note June 28, 2024 at 1:37 PM, indicated that the psychiatric nurse practitioner wrote an order, in response to the resident's recent behavior, for depakote ( A seizure medication sometimes used for behavior control) 125 mg daily BID for dementia with behaviors.

Nursing noted on July 3, 2024 11:00 A.M that Resident A1 continued to make lewd sexual comments to a female resident and attempts to redirect Resident A1 were unsuccessful.
Nursing noted on July 3, 2024, at 1:40 PM that psych services saw the resident and increased the resident's buspirone to 10 mg TID (three times a day).

A nursing note July 3,2024 11:24 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 threatened Resident A2, stating "Wait till I get you alone later. The things I'm going to do to you." Resident A2 became fearful and started crying at which point the police were called to intervene due to Resident A1's physical aggression, assault and verbal/sexual remarks, comments and threats toward multiple staff at this time.

A nurse' note dated July 3, 2024, at 11:43 PM Resident A1 smiled, winked and then waved at Resident A2 who was seated in her wheelchair in front of nurses station. He then yelled out to her stating, "I'm looking forward to seeing you later when no-one is around." Winking again.
Resident A2 began to cry, shake and tremble. She was immediately taken behind nurses station and other staff attempted to intervene while Resident A1 continued to advance down hallway in Resident A2's direction after stopping to curse, yell out loud and threaten the supervisor and the nurse once again for asking him to "please do not come down this hallway. You are making this resident (Resident A2) scared and very uncomfortable." Several staff members attempted to redirect him without success and began to yell, and threaten staff and the police and emergency services/transport were called.

A review of the clinical record revealed that Resident A2 was admitted to the facility on July 21, 2023, with diagnoses to include orthostatic hypotension. A quarterly MDS assessment dated April 15, 2024, indicated that she was moderately cognitively impaired with a BIMs score of 11 (a score of 8 to 12 indicated moderate, cognitive impairment).

A review of Resident A2's clinical record conducted during the survey ending July 21, 2024, revealed no reference to the above incident of verbal and mental abuse and the resident's emotional distress. There was no documented evidence that the facility had provided therapeutic psychosocial interventions to Resident A2 to address the psychosocial harm suffered by the resident as the result of being verbally and mentally abused by Resident A1.

During an interview conducted on July 21, 2024, at approximately 12 PM, Resident A2 stated that she did not want to discuss Resident A1 with this surveyor, only stating that she did not want him near her.

A nursing note dated July 3, 2024, at 11:48 PM revealed that local police and EMS (emergency medical services) arrived at the facility and removed Resident A1 from the facility. The resident returned to the facility July 4, 2024, at 4:31 AM

A nursing note dated July 7, 2024 at 10:18 AM revealed that Resident A1 continued to display inappropriate sexual behaviors, despite re-direction attempts. Resident A1 became agitated with re-direction. He sat across the hall from a female resident stating "the things I would do to you." Staff again attempted to redirect Resident A1 with with no effect noted. Resident A1 then went and sat in the doorway of another resident's room, taunting the other resident by shouting at her causing her to become distressed and needing to be consoled. Resident A1 then began reaching towards a female resident's arm, and told staff "You can't tell me not to touch her."

At the time of the survey ending July 21, 2024, the facility was unable to identify these female residents.

A nursing note dated July 7, 2024 at 6:42 PM revealed that due to the resident's behaviors, and the risk to the safety of staff and other residents, he was sent to emergency room for evaluation and behaviors and will be placed on one on one upon return. The resident was transferred to the hospital at 7:52 PM and returned to the facility on July 10, 2024, at 6:47 P.M.

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024 at 2:07 PM revealed that staff removed Resident A1 from the activity room because he initiated an argument with another resident, which was witnessed by several witnesses within the activity room.

A nursing note dated July 13,2024 3:00 PM revealed that Resident A1 was overheard asking another resident, the age of the female resident's daughter, stating "well if she needs a man I can be your son-in-law." Staff asked Resident A 1 to please keep conversation appropriate as the female resident did not seem to welcome this conversation

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024, at 3:21 PM revealed that nursing responded to the sound of a female resident shouting. Nursing noted that the female resident shouted at Resident A1 "You're a pain in the a*s you know that. You just won't shut up." Another female resident shouted to Resident A1 "oh no buddy you, have the wrong one." Both (unidentified) female residents reported to nursing staff that Resident A1 will not leave them alone nor do they like his conversation. Resident A1 stated to one female resident "I'm keeping my eye on you so you know." The female resident stated "I really don't give a sh*t what you do." The RN and another nurse attempted to return Resident A1 to his room however he has refused. Nursing noted "resident remains under close supervision by this nurse due to complaints of female residents near by and \ refusing to leave area."

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024, at 3:43 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 was at the nurse's station and began to self-transfer. Another female resident in the area, who was ambulatory told Resident A1 to "sit before you fall." Resident A1 told the female resident "well come fix my pants, baby, that's what you're supposed to do."

A nursing note dated July 15, 2024 at 1:59 PM revealed that Resident A1 was insulting other female residents this morning regarding their appearances, such as hairstyle. Resident A1 was attempting to enter other residents' rooms and when redirected jumps up defensively and becomes aggressive with staff.

A nursing note dated July 17, 2024, at 2:19 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 with was asking female resident to remove her panties and making derogatory racial comments to another resident.

A nursing note dated July 17, 2024, at 3:51 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 was placed on 1:1 supervision due to safety issues.

Interview with the Nursing Home Administrator and Director of Nursing on July 21, 2024, at 1 PM failed to protect residents from verbal and mental abuse perpetrated by Resident A1, a resident with known verbally abusive behaviors, which resulted in psychosocial harm to Resident A2.

Refer F609

28 Pa. Code 201.18 (e)(1) Management

28 Pa. Code 201.29 (a) Resident Rights

28 Pa. Code 211.12 (d)(5) Nursing Services

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident A1 has been discharged from the facility.
Current residents with abuse behaviors will be reviewed during clinical meeting to verify sufficient measures necessary to protect other residents from verbal and mental abuse have been implemented and care planned.
The Director of Nursing or designee will educate nursing staff and Social Service Director on the abuse policy with the focus on verbal and mental abuse. Supervisors will monitor resident behaviors to verify there are sufficient measures necessary to protect other residents from verbal and mental abuse as needed.
The Director of Nursing or designee will conduct weekly x 4, then monthly x 2 of nursing documentation to verify sufficient measures necessary to protect other residents from verbal and mental abuse have been implemented and care planned.
483.12(b)(5)(i)(A)(B)(c)(1)(4) REQUIREMENT Reporting of Alleged Violations:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and affects more than a limited number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status. This deficiency was not found to be throughout this facility.
§483.12(c) In response to allegations of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or mistreatment, the facility must:

§483.12(c)(1) Ensure that all alleged violations involving abuse, neglect, exploitation or mistreatment, including injuries of unknown source and misappropriation of resident property, are reported immediately, but not later than 2 hours after the allegation is made, if the events that cause the allegation involve abuse or result in serious bodily injury, or not later than 24 hours if the events that cause the allegation do not involve abuse and do not result in serious bodily injury, to the administrator of the facility and to other officials (including to the State Survey Agency and adult protective services where state law provides for jurisdiction in long-term care facilities) in accordance with State law through established procedures.

§483.12(c)(4) Report the results of all investigations to the administrator or his or her designated representative and to other officials in accordance with State law, including to the State Survey Agency, within 5 working days of the incident, and if the alleged violation is verified appropriate corrective action must be taken.

Based on a review of clinical records, information submitted by the facility and the facility's abuse prohibition policy and staff interviews, it was revealed the facility failed to timely report multiple instances of verbal and mental abuse perpetrated by one resident out of 10 sampled (Resident A1) to the State Survey Agency and local Area Agency on Aging.

Findings include:

A review of the facility's abuse prohibition policy, dated as reviewed by the facility May 1, 2024 revealed revealed that residents residents have the right to be free from abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property, corporal punishment and involuntary seclusion. Verbal abuse is defined as any use of oral, written or gestured language that willfully includes disparaging and derogatory terms to residents or their families or within their hearing distance to describe residents, regardless of their age, ability to comprehend or disability.

According to long term care regulatory requirements under Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Mental and Verbal Abuse are defined as:

Mental abuse is the use of verbal or nonverbal conduct which causes or has the potential to cause the resident to experience humiliation, intimidation, fear, shame, agitation, or degradation.

Verbal abuse may be considered to be a type of mental abuse. Verbal abuse includes the use of oral, written, or gestured communication, or sounds, to residents within hearing distance, regardless of age, ability to comprehend, or disability.

Examples of mental and verbal abuse include, but are not limited to:

o Harassing a resident;
o Mocking, insulting, ridiculing;
o Yelling or hovering over a resident, with the intent to intimidate;
o Threatening residents, including but limited to, depriving a resident of care or withholding a
resident from contact with family and friends; and
o Isolating a resident from social interaction or activities.

Review of Resident A1's clinical record revealed admission to the facility on May 27, 2024, with diagnoses, which included Alzheimer's disease, adjustment disorder with anxiety, and major depression. The resident was significantly cognitively impaired with a BIMS (Brief Interview for Mental Status a tool to assess cognitive function) score of 2.

Resident A1's care plan, initiated May 27, 2024, identified that the resident had impaired cognitive function related to Alzheimer disease as evidenced by, confusion, long and short term memory problem and poor safety awareness. Planned interventions were to administer medication as per physician orders, allow time for the resident to respond, approach in a calm manner, and to provide activities.

The resident's care plan did not identify that Resident A1 displayed any physically or verbally abusive behaviors towards other residents and staff.

A review of clinical record documention dated June 8, 2024 at 10:38 AM, revealed that Resident A1 displayed behaviors during this shift of nursing duty. The resident was making sexually inappropriate comments to staff. A nurses note dated June 18, 2024 at 2:23 PM, revealed that the resident continue to make sexually inappropriate comments towards staff.
A nursing note dated June 19, 2024 at 11:37 AM revealed that a nurse aide informed the nurse that the resident made inappropriate sexual comments, as well as derogatory comments regarding a nurse aide's ethnicity, while these nurse aides were showering the resident on June 18, 2024.

In response to these inappropriate behaviors, a psychiatric nurse practitioner ordered June 18, 2024, to start Buspirone 5 mg PO (anti-anxiety medication) as needed every 8 hours for anxiety x 14 days

Nursing documentation dated June 20, 2024 at 6:29 PM and June 21, 2024 at 2:58 PM revealed that the resident continued to make inappropriate sexual comments towards staff and had inappropriately touched a therapist and a nurse. Redirection was noted to be unsuccessful and the resident became agitated with redirecting. The resident's inappropriate sexual comments as well as derogatory comments, such as calling nursing staff a "b*tch, continued to occur according to nursing documentation dated June 24, 20240 at 8:13 AM and June 24, 2024 at 2:26 PM. Staff reminded the resident that this inappropriate conversation cannot happen as other residents appear to be agitated by Resident A1's comments. Resident A1 was also interjecting himself into the conversation another resident was having, agitating that resident. Resident A1 asked another resident "what the hell is wrong with your hands?" (referencing the physical appearance of the resident's hands) Staff asked Resident A1 not bother this other resident, but he continued to do so. The nurse then removed the other resident from area due to Resident A1 continuing to ridicule the resident's physical condition.

A nursing note June 24, 2024 at 2:47 PM noted that Resident A1 was continuing to agitate another male resident, pulling the resident's chair alarm from his wheelchair causing it to sound the alarm. Upon staff arrival, Resident A1 accused the nurse of "stealing my toy. Resident A1 refused to given alarm back to the nurse or any other staff stating "I had two of them." The nurse also advised the resident to stop reaching for another female resident's arm, which agitated Resident A1. Resident A1 then pursued another female resident and reached out stroking her arm, and the female resident became agitated.

A nursing note June 28, 2024 at 1:37 PM, indicated that the psychiatric nurse practitioner wrote an order, in response to the resident's recent behavior, for depakote ( A seizure medication sometimes used for behavior control) 125 mg daily BID for dementia with behaviors.

Nursing noted on July 3, 2024 11:00 A.M that Resident A1 continued to make lewd sexual comments to a female resident and attempts to redirect Resident A1 were unsuccessful.
Nursing noted on July 3, 2024, at 1:40 PM that psych services saw the resident and increased the resident's buspirone to 10 mg TID (three times a day).

A nursing note July 3,2024 11:24 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 threatened Resident A2, stating "Wait till I get you alone later. The things I'm going to do to you." Resident A2 became fearful and started crying at which point the police were called to intervene due to Resident A1's physical aggression, assault and verbal/sexual remarks, comments and threats toward multiple staff at this time.

A nurse' note dated July 3, 2024, at 11:43 PM Resident A1 smiled, winked and then waved at Resident A2 who was seated in her wheelchair in front of nurses station. He then yelled out to her stating, "I'm looking forward to seeing you later when no-one is around." Winking again.
Resident A2 began to cry, shake and tremble. She was immediately taken behind nurses station and other staff attempted to intervene while Resident A1 continued to advance down hallway in Resident A2's direction after stopping to curse, yell out loud and threaten the supervisor and the nurse once again for asking him to "please do not come down this hallway. You are making this resident (Resident A2) scared and very uncomfortable." Several staff members attempted to redirect him without success and began to yell, and threaten staff and the police and emergency services/transport were called.

A review of the clinical record revealed that Resident A2 was admitted to the facility on July 21, 2023, with diagnoses to include orthostatic hypotension. A quarterly MDS assessment dated April 15, 2024, indicated that she was moderately cognitively impaired with a BIMs score of 11 (a score of 8 to 12 indicated moderate, cognitive impairment).

A review of Resident A2's clinical record conducted during the survey ending July 21, 2024, revealed no reference to the above incident of verbal and mental abuse and the resident's emotional distress. There was no documented evidence that the facility had provided therapeutic psychosocial interventions to Resident A2 to address the psychosocial harm suffered by the resident as the result of being verbally and mentally abused by Resident A1.

During an interview conducted on July 21, 2024, at approximately 12 PM, Resident A2 stated that she did not want to discuss Resident A1 with this surveyor, only stating that she did not want him near her.

A nursing note dated July 3, 2024, at 11:48 PM revealed that local police and EMS (emergency medical services) arrived at the facility and removed Resident A1 from the facility. The resident returned to the facility July 4, 2024, at 4:31 AM

A nursing note dated July 7, 2024 at 10:18 AM revealed that Resident A1 continued to display inappropriate sexual behaviors, despite re-direction attempts. Resident A1 became agitated with re-direction. He sat across the hall from a female resident stating "the things I would do to you." Staff again attempted to redirect Resident A1 with with no effect noted. Resident A1 then went and sat in the doorway of another resident's room, taunting the other resident by shouting at her causing her to become distressed and needing to be consoled. Resident A1 then began reaching towards a female resident's arm, and told staff "You can't tell me not to touch her."

At the time of the survey ending July 21, 2024, the facility was unable to identify these female residents.

A nursing note dated July 7, 2024 at 6:42 PM revealed that due to the resident's behaviors, and the risk to the safety of staff and other residents, he was sent to emergency room for evaluation and behaviors and will be placed on one on one upon return. The resident was transferred to the hospital at 7:52 PM and returned to the facility on July 10, 2024, at 6:47 P.M.

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024 at 2:07 PM revealed that staff removed Resident A1 from the activity room because he initiated an argument with another resident, which was witnessed by several witnesses within the activity room.

A nursing note dated July 13,2024 3:00 PM revealed that Resident A1 was overheard asking another resident, the age of the female resident's daughter, stating "well if she needs a man I can be your son-in-law." Staff asked Resident A 1 to please keep conversation appropriate as the female resident did not seem to welcome this conversation

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024, at 3:21 PM revealed that nursing responded to the sound of a female resident shouting. Nursing noted that the female resident shouted at Resident A1 "You're a pain in the a*s you know that. You just won't shut up." Another female resident shouted to Resident A1 "oh no buddy you, have the wrong one." Both (unidentified) female residents reported to nursing staff that Resident A1 will not leave them alone nor do they like his conversation. Resident A1 stated to one female resident "I'm keeping my eye on you so you know." The female resident stated "I really don't give a sh*t what you do." The RN and another nurse attempted to return Resident A1 to his room however he has refused. Nursing noted "resident remains under close supervision by this nurse due to complaints of female residents near by and \ refusing to leave area."

A nursing note dated July 13, 2024, at 3:43 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 was at the nurse's station and began to self-transfer. Another female resident in the area, who was ambulatory told Resident A1 to "sit before you fall." Resident A1 told the female resident "well come fix my pants, baby, that's what you're supposed to do."

A nursing note dated July 15, 2024 at 1:59 PM revealed that Resident A1 was insulting other female residents this morning regarding their appearances, such as hairstyle. Resident A1 was attempting to enter other residents' rooms and when redirected jumps up defensively and becomes aggressive with staff.

A nursing note dated July 17, 2024, at 2:19 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 with was asking female resident to remove her panties and making derogatory racial comments to another resident.

A nursing note dated July 17, 2024, at 3:51 P.M. revealed that Resident A1 was placed on 1:1 supervision due to safety issues. There was no facility incident investigation for this event at the time of the survey.

During an interview July 21, 2024 at approximately 2 PM the Director of Nursing that the facility did not report these instances of verbal and mental abuse to the State Survey Agency and local Area Agency on Aging.

Refer F600

28 Pa Code 201.14(a) Responsibility of Licensee

28 Pa. Code 201.18(e)(1) Management

28 Pa. Code 201.29(a) Resident Rights

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident A1 incidents of verbal and mental abuse will be reported to the State Survey Agency and local Area on Aging.

An initial audit of Risk Management reports will be conducted for the past 14 days to verify verbal and mental abuse were reported to the State Survey Agency and local Area Agency on Aging.

The DON or designee will inservice the Management team on reportable incidents. Risk Management reports will be reviewed during clinical meeting to verify abuse events are reported to the State Survey Agency and local Area Agency on Aging.

The DON or designee will conduct weekly audits x4, then monthly x2 of Risk Management reports to verify instances of abuse have been submitted to the State Survey Agency and local Area Agency on Aging. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.
483.25 REQUIREMENT Quality of Care:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and affects more than a limited number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status. This deficiency was not found to be throughout this facility.
§ 483.25 Quality of care
Quality of care is a fundamental principle that applies to all treatment and care provided to facility residents. Based on the comprehensive assessment of a resident, the facility must ensure that residents receive treatment and care in accordance with professional standards of practice, the comprehensive person-centered care plan, and the residents' choices.

Based on a review of clinical records and resident and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to provide person centered care by failing to follow physician's orders for the consistent application of a prescribed therapeutic measure, Ace wraps (elastic bandage), and further failed to provide nursing services consistent with professional standards of practice by failing to follow physician orders for diabetes management for one resident (Resident B1) of out of 10 sampled.

Findings include:

Review of the clinical record revealed that Resident B1 was admitted to the facility on February 14, 2023, with diagnoses which included diabetes and chronic peripheral venous insufficiency (leg veins do not allow blood to flow back up to the heart).

A review of Resident B1's clinical record revealed a physician's order dated June 10, 2024, to apply Ace wraps in the AM and remove at HS (at bedtime); may remove for care and hygiene; and to place back on until HS and remove every evening and night for edema.

Interview with Resident B1 on July 21, 2024, at 9:00 AM revealed that the resident was in bed and his Ace wraps were applied. The resident stated that the Ace wraps are to be applied in the morning but that staff inform the resident that they "do not have time" to apply the Ace wraps.

Review of Resident B1's Treatment Administration Record (TAR) dated June 10, 2024, through June 30, 2024, and July 1, 2024, through July 21, 2024, revealed that the TAR did no include the physician order to apply the Ace Wraps in the morning (AM). The TARs noted solely that the Ace wraps were off in the evening and on at night. On July 9, 2024, and July 16, 2024, nursing staff signed the TAR indicating that the Ace wraps were off in the evening but there was no documentation that the Ace wraps were applied on those dates.

During an interview on July 21, 2024, at approximately 1:30 PM, the Director of Nursing failed to provide documented evidence that Resident B1's Ace wraps were being consistently applied and removed as per physician orders.

Further review of Resident B1's clinical record revealed a physician order initially dated April 23, 2024, for the administration of Novolog Flex Pen Subcutaneous Solution Pen Injector 100 units/milliliter (Insulin), with instructions for the dose to be based on a sliding scale, depending on the resident's blood sugar reading; inject as per the sliding scale: if the resident's blood sugar was between 0-150 0 units; if 151-200, administer 4 units; if 201-250, administer 6 units; if 251-300 administer 8 units; if 301-350 administer 10 units; if 351-400, administer 12 units; if 401-9999, administer 14 units. If more than 401 call physician for further orders. Subcutaneously before meals and at bedtime.

During interview with Resident B1 on July 21, 2024, at 9:00 AM the resident stated that he was concerned because his blood sugars and insulin coverage were being completed after meals instead of before meals.

Review of Resident B1's Medication Administration Record (MAR) dated July 1, 2024, through July 20, 2024, revealed that staff were to check the resident's blood sugars before meals at 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and bedtime at 9:00 PM.

The July 2024 MAR indicated that on 13 occasions nursing staff checked the resident's blood sugars and administered insulin after meals instead of before meals as ordered on the following dates and times:

July 1, 2024 - administration time was 9:05 AM (after breakfast)
July 1, 2024 - administration time was 1:18 PM (after lunch)
July 2, 2024 - administration time was 5:40 PM (after supper)
July 3, 2024 - administration time was 5:36 PM (after supper)
July 5, 2024 - administration time was 9:55 AM (after breakfast)
July 6, 2024 - administration time was 9:34 Am (after breakfast)
July 6, 2024 - administration time was 1:05 PM (after lunch)
July 7, 2024 - administration time was 1:00 PM (after lunch)
July 8, 2024 - administration time was 12:56 PM (after lunch)
July 10, 2024 - administration time was 2:51 PM (after lunch)
July 16, 2024 - administration time was 1:25 PM (after lunch)
July 17, 2024 - administration time was 9:01 AM (after breakfast)
July 20, 2024 - administration time was 1:17 PM (after lunch)

During an interview on July 21, 2024, at approximately 1:30 PM the Director of Nursing confirmed that licensed and professional nursing staff failed to follow physican orders for diabetes management to include blood sugar monitoring and physician orders.

28 Pa. Code 211.5(f) Medical records

28 Pa. Code 211.12(c)(d)(1)(3)(5) Nursing Services

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

The facility cannot retroactively correct the cited deficient practice. Resident B1 is monitored by the IDT daily to ensure ace wraps in place and medications administered as per MD orders.

An initial audit of current residents with orders for ace wraps, insulin and accuchecks has been conducted for the past 5 verify physician orders are being followed.

The DON or designee will Inservice licensed staff on following the physician orders process. Supervisors will observe residents with orders for ace wraps to verify they have been applied as per the physician order. Current residents with orders for blood sugar checks and insulin administration will be reviewed during clinical meeting to verify physician orders were followed.

The DON or designee will conduct random observation audits weekly x 4, then monthly x 2 to verify ace wraps have been applied as per the physician's order and documented. The DON or designee will conduct weekly x 4, then monthly x 2 audits of residents with orders for insulin and/or monitoring of blood glucose to verify physician orders were followed. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.

483.10(a)(1)(2)(b)(1)(2) REQUIREMENT Resident Rights/Exercise of Rights:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§483.10(a) Resident Rights.
The resident has a right to a dignified existence, self-determination, and communication with and access to persons and services inside and outside the facility, including those specified in this section.

§483.10(a)(1) A facility must treat each resident with respect and dignity and care for each resident in a manner and in an environment that promotes maintenance or enhancement of his or her quality of life, recognizing each resident's individuality. The facility must protect and promote the rights of the resident.

§483.10(a)(2) The facility must provide equal access to quality care regardless of diagnosis, severity of condition, or payment source. A facility must establish and maintain identical policies and practices regarding transfer, discharge, and the provision of services under the State plan for all residents regardless of payment source.

§483.10(b) Exercise of Rights.
The resident has the right to exercise his or her rights as a resident of the facility and as a citizen or resident of the United States.

§483.10(b)(1) The facility must ensure that the resident can exercise his or her rights without interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal from the facility.

§483.10(b)(2) The resident has the right to be free of interference, coercion, discrimination, and reprisal from the facility in exercising his or her rights and to be supported by the facility in the exercise of his or her rights as required under this subpart.

Based on resident and staff interviews, it was determined that the facility failed to provide care in a manner and environment that promotes each resident's quality of life and assures that each resident is treated with dignity by failing to respond timely to residents' requests for assistance, as evidenced by experiences reported by two of four residents sampled (Residents B1 and B3).

Findings include:

During interview with Resident B1, a cognitively intact resident, on July 21, 2024, at 9:00 AM the resident stated that he often waits an extended period, greater than 15 minutes and at times more than one hour, for staff to answer the call bell. Resident B1 stated that when he rings the call bell it is often for toileting assistance or assistance to be placed back in bed after sitting on the side of the bed for exercise.

During interview on July 21, 2024, at approximately 1:00 PM Resident B3, a cognitively intact resident, stated that in the morning before lunch she often waits an hour for staff to answer her call bell. Resident B3 stated that she will ring the call bell to request staff assistance to be changed and often staff do not come in for an hour. Resident B3 stated that she feels there are not enough staff to timely meet the needs of the residents.

During an interview on July 21, 2024, at 1:30 PM the nursing home administrator (NHA) confirmed that the facility staff is responsible for addressing the needs of residents in a manner that promotes each resident's quality of life and assures that each resident is treated with dignity. The NHA confirmed that call bells were to be timely answered.

28 Pa. Code 201.29(a) Resident Rights

28 Pa. Code 201.18 (e)(1) Management

28 Pa. Code 211.12 (c)(d)(4)(5) Nursing services

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

The facility cannot retroactively correct the deficient practice for Res B1 and B3.

Current alert residents will be interviewed during resident council meeting to ensure call bells are being answered timely.

The Director of Nursing or designee will inservice staff on the Resident Call System policy. Supervisors will monitor response to residents requests for assistance during their shifts to verify timely response to residents request for assistance.

The Director of Nursing or designee will conduct random weekly x 4, then monthly x 2 observation audits to verify staff respond timely to residents requests for assistance. The Activities Director or designee will review call bell response during Resident Council meeting monthly x2 to verify staff response is timely for residents requests for assistance.

Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.
483.21(a)(1)-(3) REQUIREMENT Baseline Care Plan:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§483.21 Comprehensive Person-Centered Care Planning
§483.21(a) Baseline Care Plans
§483.21(a)(1) The facility must develop and implement a baseline care plan for each resident that includes the instructions needed to provide effective and person-centered care of the resident that meet professional standards of quality care. The baseline care plan must-
(i) Be developed within 48 hours of a resident's admission.
(ii) Include the minimum healthcare information necessary to properly care for a resident including, but not limited to-
(A) Initial goals based on admission orders.
(B) Physician orders.
(C) Dietary orders.
(D) Therapy services.
(E) Social services.
(F) PASARR recommendation, if applicable.

§483.21(a)(2) The facility may develop a comprehensive care plan in place of the baseline care plan if the comprehensive care plan-
(i) Is developed within 48 hours of the resident's admission.
(ii) Meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section (excepting paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section).

§483.21(a)(3) The facility must provide the resident and their representative with a summary of the baseline care plan that includes but is not limited to:
(i) The initial goals of the resident.
(ii) A summary of the resident's medications and dietary instructions.
(iii) Any services and treatments to be administered by the facility and personnel acting on behalf of the facility.
(iv) Any updated information based on the details of the comprehensive care plan, as necessary.

Based on clinical record review and staff interview it was determined that the baseline care plan of one of 10. residents sampled (Resident B2) failed to fully address the resident's individual needs upon admission.


A review of Resident B2's clinical record revealed that the resident was admitted to the facility on July 5, 2024, with diagnoses that included acute ischemic heart disease (disease or damage in the heart's major blood vessels).

An admission physician order dated July 5, 2024, was noted for the resident to wear a life vest (a wearable defibrillator that can stop an abnormal heart rhythm without anyone's help) for sudden cardiac arrest.

A review of the resident's baseline care plan failed to identify that the resident had a life vest and specific interventions to address the care of the resident while utilizing the life vest.

An interview with the director of nursing on July 21, 2024, at approximately 11:00 AM confirmed the facility to ensure that this resident's baseline care plan included the minimum healthcare information necessary to properly care for each resident immediately upon their admission, which would address resident-specific health and treatment needs.

28 Pa. Code 211.12 (c)(d)(1)(3)(5) Nursing Services.

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident B2 has been discharged from the facility.
New admissions baseline care plans will be reviewed during Clinical meeting to verify the baseline care plan includes resident specific interventions.
The DON or designee will Inservice licensed nurses on Person Centered Care plan Policy.
The DON or designee will conduct weekly audits x4, then monthly x2 of new residents with to verify the baseline care plan includes resident specific interventions. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.

483.25(b)(2)(i)(ii) REQUIREMENT Foot Care:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§483.25(b)(2) Foot care.
To ensure that residents receive proper treatment and care to maintain mobility and good foot health, the facility must:
(i) Provide foot care and treatment, in accordance with professional standards of practice, including to prevent complications from the resident's medical condition(s) and
(ii) If necessary, assist the resident in making appointments with a qualified person, and arranging for transportation to and from such appointments.

Based on observation, review of clinical records, and staff and resident interview, it was determined the facility failed to consistently provide timely and necessary foot care for one of 10 residents sampled (Residents B1).

Findings include:

Review of Resident B1's clinical record revealed that the resident was admitted to the facility on February 14, 2023, with diagnoses, which included diabetes and chronic peripheral venous insufficiency (leg veins do not allow blood to flow back up to the heart).

Observation on July 21, 2024, at 9:00 AM revealed that Resident B1's toenails, on both feet, were thickened, yellowed, and extended past the tips of his toes. Resident B1 stated during interview at that time, that he had diabetes and was concerned that he was not routinely being seen by a podiatrist for foot care.

Further review of the clinical record revealed that Resident B1's last podiatry visit was on January 8, 2024.

Interview with the Director of Nursing on July 21, 2024, at approximately 1:00 PM, confirmed that Resident B1 was not provided routine podiatry and timely foot care.

28 Pa. Code 211.12 (d)(3)(5) Nursing Services

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident B1 has been provided podiatry services

An initial audit of current residents will be completed to identify residents in need of podiatry services. The Director of Nursing will monitor resident podiatry consultation and update the podiatrist needs list as indicated.

The Director of Nursing or designee will inservice licensed staff on Podiatry care and services process. New admissions will be monitored by the supervisor to identify those in need of podiatry services.

The Director of Nursing or designee will conduct monthly audits x 3 of residents in need of podiatry services to verify services were completed. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.
483.25(i) REQUIREMENT Respiratory/Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§ 483.25(i) Respiratory care, including tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning.
The facility must ensure that a resident who needs respiratory care, including tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning, is provided such care, consistent with professional standards of practice, the comprehensive person-centered care plan, the residents' goals and preferences, and 483.65 of this subpart.

Based on clinical record review and staff interview it was determined that the facility failed to timely obtain and provide necessary respiratory care supplies and equipment required by one one of 10 sampled residents (Resident A3).

Findings include:

Clinical record review revealed that Resident A3 was admitted to the facility on June 21, 2024 with diagnoses of acute respiratory failure with hypoxia, dyspnea, sleep apnea and anxiety. The resident had a tracheostomy surgically placed during her recent hospital stay prior to admission to the facility.

A review of a 5-day admission Minimum Data Set assessment (Minimum Data Set - a federally mandated standardized assessment conducted at specific intervals to plan resident care) dated June 21, 2024, revealed that Resident A3 was cognitively intact and required staff assistance for activities of daily living.

The resident had a physician order, dated June 21, 2024, to change disposable inner cannula, (4DIC) two times a day.

When reviewed during the survey ending July 21, 2024, the resident's current care plan that was initiated June 21, 2024, did not include the type of tracheostomy the resident had in place, inner cannula or any care, and emergency care for this tracheostomy.

A nurses note dated June 22, 2024 at 3:03 P.M. revealed that Resident A3 complained of shortness of breath. The resident's oxygen saturation level was 88 via trach collar. Staff suctioned thick, blood tinged mucus. Breathing treatment was given. Nursing noted that the resident was declining and 911 was called. Nursing noted that the resident was sent out to the hospital via ambulance due to respiratory distress and admitted to ICU (intensive care unit) for Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

A nursing note dated July 8, 2024, at 5 PM revealed that the facility employed respiratory therapist, upon the resident's readmission to the facility following the resident's hospital stay, the facility did not have the correct supplies for the resident's trach. It was noted that the hospital was supposed to send the correct supplies to the facility and did not. The attending physician was made aware and a new order written to send the resident back to the hospital for eval and tx. Nursing noted that the resident was not currently in any respiratory distress. Emergency medical services (EMS) then called to see if the hospital staff could bring supplies to facility, but they stated they didn't have them. The hospital also stated they would refuse the resident if brought to emergency department (ED) as they do not have an "obese bed in ED available at this time." The physician made aware and indicated that it was OK to send the resident to a different hospital for evaluation and treatment.

The resident was admitted to the second hospital emergency department and returned to the facility with trach supplies, which were received from the hospital and returned to the facility on July 9, 2024, at 3 AM

During an interview July 21, 2024, at approximately 11 AM the respiratory therapist confirmed that the facility did not have the necessary respiratory care supplies that the resident required upon readmission to the facility on July 8, 2024. She stated that the hospital was supposed to send the required supplies with the resident upon discharge from the hospital. She stated that the facility attempted to get the hospital to deliver respiratory supplies to the facility. When the hospital refused the facility's request, the facility attempted to send the resident back to the hospital. The hospital told the facility that they would refuse to see the resident in the ED. The facility then sent the resident out to a different hospital for treatment and supplies. The respiratory therapist confirmed that the facility did not obtain the necessary supplies the resident required prior to the resident's readmission to the facility on July 8, 2024, to assure their availability and did not maintain those supplies in the facility to prevent the resident's unnecessary transfers to hospital emergency departments to secure the supplies needed for the resident's respiratory care in the long term care facility.

28 Pa. Code 211.12 (c)(d)(3)(5) Nursing services

28 Pa. Code 211.10 (c) Resident care policies

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident A3 has necessary respiratory care supplies and equipment present in her room.

New admissions with trach orders will be reviewed by the Admissions Director or designee prior to admission to verify necessary respiratory care supplies and equipment are available prior to admission.

The Director of Nursing or designee will inservice licensed staff on confirming necessary respiratory care supplies and equipment are available in the facility prior to admissions to prevent unnecessary transfers to the hospital.

The Director of Nursing or designee will conduct weekly x 4, then monthly x 2 audits of residents with trachs to verify respiratory care supplies and equipment are available to prevent unnecessary transfers to the hospital. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.
483.45(a)(b)(1)-(3) REQUIREMENT Pharmacy Srvcs/Procedures/Pharmacist/Records:This is a less serious (but not lowest level) deficiency and is isolated to the fewest number of residents, staff, or occurrences. This deficiency is one that results in minimal discomfort to the resident or has the potential (not yet realized) to negatively affect the resident's ability to achieve his/her highest functional status.
§483.45 Pharmacy Services
The facility must provide routine and emergency drugs and biologicals to its residents, or obtain them under an agreement described in §483.70(g). The facility may permit unlicensed personnel to administer drugs if State law permits, but only under the general supervision of a licensed nurse.

§483.45(a) Procedures. A facility must provide pharmaceutical services (including procedures that assure the accurate acquiring, receiving, dispensing, and administering of all drugs and biologicals) to meet the needs of each resident.

§483.45(b) Service Consultation. The facility must employ or obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist who-

§483.45(b)(1) Provides consultation on all aspects of the provision of pharmacy services in the facility.

§483.45(b)(2) Establishes a system of records of receipt and disposition of all controlled drugs in sufficient detail to enable an accurate reconciliation; and

§483.45(b)(3) Determines that drug records are in order and that an account of all controlled drugs is maintained and periodically reconciled.

Based on clinical record review and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to provide pharmacy services to assure timely acquiring of physician ordered medications for one of 10 residents sampled. (Resident A3).

Findings include:

A review of the clinical record revealed that Resident A3 was admitted to the facility on June 21, 2024, with diagnosis to include narcolepsy (Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that impairs the ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles, and specifically impacts REM sleep).

A physician order dated July 10, 2024, was noted for Modafinil 200 mg, one tablet via the PEG tube (a plastic tube inserted into the stomach for liquid nutrition when a person can not eat by mouth) one time a day for anti-narcolepsy.

A review of the resident's July 2024 medication administration record (MAR) revealed that the resident did not receive the prescribed medication from July 10, 2024, 2024, through July 20, 2024. The MAR indicated that the resident received the first dose of the medication July 21, 2024.

An interview July 21, 2024 at approximately 2 P.M., the Director of Nursing confirmed that the medication was not available in the facility for administration to the resident, and its administration was delayed 11 days.

28 Pa. Code 211.9 (a)(1) Pharmacy services

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Resident A3 Modafinal was received from the pharmacy.

Current residents with new orders for Modafinil will be reviewed during clinical meeting to verify that the medication has been acquired. Supervisors will monitor residents with new orders for Modafinil to verify the medication has been acquired.

The DON or designee will inservice licensed nurses on the Unavailable Medication policy.

The DON or designee will conduct weekly audits x 4, then monthly x 2 of residents with new orders for Modafinil to verify the medication has been acquired. Results of the audits will be presented at the QAPI meetings for review.
§ 211.12(f.1)(3) LICENSURE Nursing services. :State only Deficiency.
(3) Effective July 1, 2024, a minimum of 1 nurse aide per 10 residents during the day, 1 nurse aide per 11 residents during the evening, and 1 nurse aide per 15 residents overnight.


Based on review of nursing time schedules and staff interviews, it was determined the facility failed to provide a minimum of one nurse aide per 10 residents during the dayshift, one nurse aide per 11 residents during the evening and one nurse aide per 15 residents during the night shift on 5 of 7 days reviewed (July 15, 2024, July 16, 2024, July 17, 2024, July 19, 2024, and July 20, 2024).

Findings include:

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 15, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 9 nurse aides during the evening shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 7.87 nurse aides provided care on the evening shift on July 15, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 15, 2024, the facility census was 93, which required 6.6 nurse aides during the night shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 4 nurse aides provided care on the night shift on July 15, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 16, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 9 nurse aides during the evening shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 5.77 nurse aides provided care on the evening shift on July 16, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 16, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 6.6 nurse aides during the night shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 6.07 nurse aides provided care on the night shift on July 16, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 17, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 6.60 nurse aides during the night shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 6.5 nurse aides provided care on the night shift on July 17, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 19, 2024, the facility census was 101, which required 6.73 nurse aides during the night shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 4.83 nurse aides provided care on the night shift on July 19, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 20, 2024, the facility census was 102, which required 6.8 nurse aides during the night shift.

Review of the nursing time schedules and time punch documentation revealed 5.33 nurse aides provided care on the night shift on July 20, 2024. No additional excess higher-level staff were available to compensate this deficiency.

During an interview conducted on July 21, 2024, at 2 P.M., the Nursing Home Administrator confirmed that the facility did not meet minimum staffing ratios for nurse aides on the above dates.

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Facility cannot retroactively correct nurse aid staffing ratio.
DON/Designee will conduct an initial audit of the facilities current week schedule to verify the nurse aid ratio is met.
Nursing home administrator will re-educate nursing administration on the proper nurse aid ratios. The facility will hold daily labor meetings Monday through Friday to verify ratios are met.
DON/designee will conduct random audits of nurse aide staffing weekly x 4 weeks, then monthly x 2 months thereafter to verify proper nurse aid ratios are met. Results of audits will be reviewed by the QAPI committee and changes made as necessary.
§ 211.12(f.1)(4) LICENSURE Nursing services. :State only Deficiency.
(4) Effective July 1, 2023, a minimum of 1 LPN per 25 residents during the day, 1 LPN per 30 residents during the evening, and 1 LPN per 40 residents overnight.

Based on a review of nursing time schedules and the resident census and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure the minimum licensed practical nurse (LPN) staff to resident ratio was provided on the day, evening, and night shifts for 13 shifts out of 21 reviewed (May 17-23, 2024).

Findings include:

A review of the facility's weekly staffing records July 15-21, 2024, revealed that on the following dates the facility failed to provide minimum licensed practical nurse (LPN) staff of 1:25 on the day shifts, 1:30 on the evening shift, and 1:40 on the night shift based on the facility's census.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 15, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 3.3 LPN during evening shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 2.66 LPN worked the evening shift on July 15, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 15, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 2.48 LPN during night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 1.31 LPN worked the night shift on July 15, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 16, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 3.96 LPN during day shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 3.72 LPN worked the day shift on July 16, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 16, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 2.48 LPN during the night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 1.03 LPN worked the night shift on July 16, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 17, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 3.96 LPN during day shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 3.75 LPN worked the day shift on July 17, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 17, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 2.48 LPN during night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 1.81 LPN worked the night shift on July 17, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 18, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 3.96 LPN during day shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 3.59 LPN worked the day shift on July 18, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 18, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 3.3 LPN during evening shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 2.84 LPN worked the evening shift on July 18, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 18, 2024, the facility census was 99, which required 2.48 LPN during night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 1.94 LPN worked the night shift on July 18, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 19, 2024, the facility census was 101, which required 1.94 LPN during night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 2.53 LPN worked the night shift on July 19, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 20, 2024, the facility census was 102, which required 4.08 LPN during day shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 3.56 LPN worked the day shift on July 20, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 20, 2024, the facility census was 101, which required 2.55 LPN during night shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 1.84 LPN worked the night shift on July 20, 2024.

Review of facility census data indicated that on July 21, 2024, the facility census was 102, which required 4.08 LPN during day shift. Review of the nursing time schedules revealed 2.50 LPN worked the day shift on July 21, 2024.

During an interview on July 21, 2024, at approximately 2:00 PM, the Director of Nursing confirmed that the facility failed to provide a minimum licensed practical nurse staffing ratios on the above shifts.

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Facility cannot retroactively correct nurse aid staffing ratio.
DON/Designee will conduct an initial audit of the facilities current week schedule to verify the LPN ratio is met.
Nursing home administrator will re-educate nursing administration on the proper LPN ratios. The facility will hold daily labor meetings Monday through Friday to verify ratios are met.
DON/designee will conduct random audits if LPN staffing weekly x 4 weeks, then monthly x 2 months thereafter to verify proper LPN ratios are met. Results of audits will be reviewed by the QAPI committee and changes made as necessary.
§ 211.12(i)(2) LICENSURE Nursing services.:State only Deficiency.
(2) Effective July 1, 2024, the total number of hours of general nursing care provided in each 24-hour period shall, when totaled for the entire facility, be a minimum of 3.2 hours of direct resident care for each resident.


Based on a review of nurse staffing and resident census and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to consistently provide minimum general nursing care hours to each resident daily.

Findings include:

A review of the facility's staffing levels revealed that on the following date the facility failed to provide minimum nurse staffing of 3.2 hours of general nursing care to each resident:

July 15, 2024 -2.61 direct care nursing hours per resident
July 16, 2024 -2.98 direct care nursing hours per resident
July 20, 2024 -3.04 direct care nursing hours per resident
July 21, 2024 -3.04 direct care nursing hours per resident

The facility's general nursing hours were below minimum required levels on the dates noted above.

An interview with the Nursing Home Administrator on July 21, 2024, at approximately 1 PM confirmed the facility failed to consistently provide minimum general nursing care hours to each resident daily.

 Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/21/2024

Facility cannot retroactively correct staffing PPD.
DON/Designee will conduct an initial audit of the facilities current week schedule to verify the PPD is met.
Nursing home administrator will re-educate nursing administration on the proper PPD. The facility will hold daily labor meetings Monday through Friday to verify ratios are met.
DON/designee will conduct random audits of facility PPD weekly x 4 weeks, then monthly x 2 months thereafter to verify proper PPD is met. Results of audits will be reviewed by the QAPI committee and changes made as necessary.

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