§483.60(i) Food safety requirements. The facility must -
§483.60(i)(1) - Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory by federal, state or local authorities. (i) This may include food items obtained directly from local producers, subject to applicable State and local laws or regulations. (ii) This provision does not prohibit or prevent facilities from using produce grown in facility gardens, subject to compliance with applicable safe growing and food-handling practices. (iii) This provision does not preclude residents from consuming foods not procured by the facility.
§483.60(i)(2) - Store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards for food service safety.
Based on observation and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to store food items and maintain a safe and sanitary environment in the main kitchen and smaller kitchen area located on the skilled nursing unit.
Findings included:
Initial tour of the facility's main kitchen on July 16, 2024, between 11:10 AM and 11:40 AM with Employee 1, Director of Dining, revealed the following:
Observation of the walk-in freezer off the hallway revealed: A package of veggie burgers was undated, and the package was open exposing them to the ambient air. Several packages of what Employee 1 identified as "ground pork sausage" were undated. An undated bag of breadsticks was open to the ambient air.
Observation of the walk-in cooler off the hallway revealed: A package of onions had an expired use-by date of "7/9." Four bags of celery had no dates on them. A container labeled "plain halibut" had an expired use-by date of "7/14." There were eight foil wrapped items in a tray that Employee 1 identified as "potatoes" with no labels or dates on them. There were multiple packaged avocado halves in a box with an expiration date of July 3, 2024. Two operating fans on the condenser unit located in the interior of the cooler revealed a significant accumulation of dust.
Observation of the area that surrounded the main dumpsters to the main kitchen included two medical gloves (one black and one purple) on the ground, three discarded Styrofoam cups/bowls, a significant accumulation of dead leaves, and multiple paper/plastic items discarded behind the recycling dumpster.
Observation of the walk-in cooler in the main kitchen revealed a partially filled gallon milk container with a sell by date of July 2, 2024, and a container of lemon juice with an expiration date of May 20, 2024.
The main kitchen had a significant accumulation of dust on a ceiling vent and adjacent ceiling tile above a food prep area. The protective coverings on two of the ceiling lights were partially ajar.
There was a damaged corner of the wall at the floor between the kitchen and the dishwashing area. A concurrent interview with Employee 1 revealed that maintenance is aware of the issue. Employee 1 further noted that water from the dishwashing area leaks through the damaged wall area and "puddles" on the floor in the main kitchen area.
Observation of the smaller kitchen located on the skilled nursing unit between 11:40 AM and 11:50 AM revealed the following:
A floor drain near the food prep area contained various debris.
Observation of Employee 5, dish washer, revealed the employee was observed in the kitchen area. Employee 5 had a full beard but did not have a beard guard covering the facial hair. A concurrent interview with Employee 1 revealed that the facility does not require Employee 5 to wear a hair restraining device over his beard.
An operating air conditioning unit had an extensive build-up of a black colored substance on the vents of the unit.
The above information was reviewed in a meeting with the Nursing Home Administrator and Director of Nursing on July 18, 2024, at 12:08 PM.
28 Pa. Code 201.14(a) Responsibility of licensee
| | Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/26/2024
The statements made on this plan of correction are not an admission to and do not constitute an agreement with the alleged deficiencies. To remain in compliance with federal and state regulations, the facility has taken or will take actions set forth in the following plan of correction.
1. Following the initial tour issues identified were corrected on the same day; food items observed in the main kitchen that were unlabeled, undated, open to air or expired were discarded, the main dumpster/ recycling storage area and the ceiling vent above the food prep area were cleaned, ceiling tiles were replaced and the light covers were adjusted to the proper fit. The floor, drain, and air conditioning unit in the smaller kitchen were cleaned. Per food service industry standards, bearded employees will be required to wear beard covers in kitchen areas. 2. The damaged wall in the main kitchen will be repaired by the date of compliance. 3. The Director of Dining Services/ designee will educate dining staff in both kitchen areas of food storage, preparation, distribution and serving in accordance with professional standards for food service safety. The Director of Dining Services/ designee will review, and revise as needed the kitchen cleaning/ sanitization checklist. 4. The Director of Dining/ designee will audit both kitchen areas to validate compliance weekly for one quarter then monthly for 2 quarters. Audit findings will be reviewed by the facility quality assurance and performance improvement committee for recommendation as needed. 5. Date of compliance August 26, 2024