561.25 Distressed drugs, devices and cosmetics
Drugs, devices and cosmetics which are outdated, visibly deteriorated, unlabeled or inadequately labeled, recalled, discontinued or obsolete shall be identified by the licensed pharmacist or responsible practitioner and shall be disposed of in compliance with applicable Commonwealth and Federal regulations.
Based on review of facility policy, observation, and interview with staff (EMP), it was determined the facility failed to discard expired medications and supplies according to facility policy.
A review of facility policy "Pharmaceutical Services Guidelines" last revised, reviewed, and approved on 2/26/24, revealed "... As drugs come close to reaching their expiration date, they are discarded by appropriate means ..."
A tour of facility completed on September 19, 2024, at 11:45 AM revealed the following: (2) Sodium Bicarb 8.4% 10 mEq/10 mL expired May 1, 2024, found in room 208. In OR 2, a drawer of 4-0 PGA Polyglycolic Acid suture 13 mm/ 3/8 expiration date of July 29, 2024; 5-0 PGA Polyglycolic Acid suture 13 mm/ 3/8 expiration date of July 29, 2024; and 6-0 Nylon 11 mm/ 3/8 with an expiration date of August 6, 2024.
Interview with EMP1 confirmed the above findings.
| | Plan of Correction - To be completed: 11/30/2024
To ensure compliance regarding observation from unannounced survey monthly walk-throughs of rooms 208, 209, and the ORs will be conducted monthly by the administrator to ensure removal of any medications or products close to or at expirations dates. Inventory cards will be used to facilitate compliance. By November 2024 an in-service will be scheduled for education and competency that will be provided by the new administrator to review the infection control plan policies and procedures. All staff will be educated on infection control plan policies and procedures and job responsibilities by November 30, 2024. A Quality Improvement study will be completed to ensure proper cleaning and appropriate sanitary conditions are maintained to ensure 100% compliance. The new administrator and housekeeping staff will audit with check off sheets for operating room 1 cabinets monthly for 100% compliance. To fulfill compliance requirements the drawer in room 123 was cleaned and the brush found during the survey was properly disposed of and replaced. New brushes were purchased and sterilized. The new administrator and sterilization staff will audit with check off sheets for acceptable condition of the brushes on a monthly ongoing basis to maintain 100% compliance.