(2) Effective July 1, 2024, the total number of hours of general nursing care provided in each 24-hour period shall, when totaled for the entire facility, be a minimum of 3.2 hours of direct resident care for each resident.
Based on review of facility nursing staffing documents and staff interview, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure the total number of nursing care hours provided in each 24-hour period met the required minimum of 3.20 hours of direct care per resident beginning July 1, 2024, for nine of 14 days reviewed (7/1/24, 7/2/24, 7/3/24, 7/6/24, 7/7/24, 7/11/24, 7/13/24, 7/14/24, and 7/17/24).
Findings include:
Review of nursing staffing documents for the time period of 7/1/24 through 7/7/24, and 7/11/24 through 7/17/24, revealed the following per patient day (PPD) hours:
7/1/24 3.18 PPD 7/2/24 3.11 PPD 7/3/24 3.15 PPD 7/6/24 3.17 PPD 7/7/24 3.19 PPD 7/11/24 3.19 PPD 7/13/24 3.18 PPD 7/14/24 3.02 PPD 7/17/24 3.17 PPD
During an interview on 7/18/24, at approximately 11:30 a.m. the Nursing Home Administrator confirmed the accuracy of the facility provided staffing information and confirmed the facility failed to meet the required hours of direct resident care on the above dates.
| | Plan of Correction - To be completed: 08/26/2024
1. The facility cannot correct the PPD staffing requirements that were not met 7/1/24, 7/2/24, 7/3/24, 7/6/24, 7/7/24, 7/11/24, 7/13/24, 7/14/23, 7/17/24. There were no adverse effects to residents on the identified dates.
2. The facility will ensure that staffing PPD requirements are met on a daily baiss.
3. Nursing administration and the nursing scheduler will be re-educated by the Nursing Home Administrator/designee on ensuring PPD (per patient day) requirement is met everyday. A Daily staffing meeting will be held by administration to monitor staffing. Nursing supervisors will monitor on weekends. If the facility is projected to not meet 3.2 PPD, the scheduler/or designee will call off duty facility staff, and will utilize external staffing support resources.
4. The Nursing Home Administrator/designee will audit staffing daily for three weeks and monthly for three months to ensure staffing PPD requirements are being met. Outcomes will be reported to the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Committee for review and recommendations.
Education will take place on 8/8/24.
Yes, agency and off duty staff will be utilized in the event of unexpected call offs.