§483.80 Infection Control The facility must establish and maintain an infection prevention and control program designed to provide a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment and to help prevent the development and transmission of communicable diseases and infections.
§483.80(a) Infection prevention and control program. The facility must establish an infection prevention and control program (IPCP) that must include, at a minimum, the following elements:
§483.80(a)(1) A system for preventing, identifying, reporting, investigating, and controlling infections and communicable diseases for all residents, staff, volunteers, visitors, and other individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement based upon the facility assessment conducted according to §483.70(e) and following accepted national standards;
§483.80(a)(2) Written standards, policies, and procedures for the program, which must include, but are not limited to: (i) A system of surveillance designed to identify possible communicable diseases or infections before they can spread to other persons in the facility; (ii) When and to whom possible incidents of communicable disease or infections should be reported; (iii) Standard and transmission-based precautions to be followed to prevent spread of infections; (iv)When and how isolation should be used for a resident; including but not limited to: (A) The type and duration of the isolation, depending upon the infectious agent or organism involved, and (B) A requirement that the isolation should be the least restrictive possible for the resident under the circumstances. (v) The circumstances under which the facility must prohibit employees with a communicable disease or infected skin lesions from direct contact with residents or their food, if direct contact will transmit the disease; and (vi)The hand hygiene procedures to be followed by staff involved in direct resident contact.
§483.80(a)(4) A system for recording incidents identified under the facility's IPCP and the corrective actions taken by the facility.
§483.80(e) Linens. Personnel must handle, store, process, and transport linens so as to prevent the spread of infection.
§483.80(f) Annual review. The facility will conduct an annual review of its IPCP and update their program, as necessary.
Based on facility policy review, clinical record review, observations, and interviews, it was determined that the facility failed to follow policy related transmissions-based precautions and use of personal protective equipment for one of 24 sampled residents. (Resident 47)
Findings include:
Review of the facility policy entitled, "Isolation- Categories of Transmission-Based Precautions," last reviewed on January 16, 2024, revealed that transmission-based precautions (TBP) were additional measures to protect staff, visitors, and other residents from becoming infected when a resident was diagnosed with specific pathogens. A sign was hung on the room entrance door so that staff and visitors were aware of the need for precautions.
Clinical record review revealed that Resident 47 was admitted to the facility on May 13, 2024, with a diagnoses that included dementia, pneumonia, and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (a drug resistant infection) in the sputum. On May 13, 2024, a physician ordered that staff use TBP when providing care. On July 24, 2024, at 9:35 a.m., a sign was observed outside Resident 47's room that directed staff and visitors to follow TBP, including use of a gown and gloves, when in the room. On July 24, 2024, from 9:38 a.m. to 9:50 a.m., Nurse Aide (NA) 1 was observed without a gown in Resident 47's room and providing care, including incontinence care and assistance with bathing without a gown. On July 24, 2024, at 1:08 p.m., a visitor was observed in the room without a gown.
In an interview on July 25, 2024, at 10:37 a.m., the Infection Preventionist confirmed that Resident 47 was on TBP and that all staff and visitors in the resident's room should have followed the policy and worn appropriate protective equipment including gowns.
28 Pa. Code 211.10(c)(d) Resident care policies.
28 Pa. Code 211.12(d)(1)(5) Nursing services.
| | Plan of Correction - To be completed: 09/05/2024
1. Resident 47 is on transmission-based precautions. 2. Current residents have been evaluated to ensure they do not require transmission based precautions. 3. Staff Development/ designee will provide staff education on transmission based precautions. 4. Infection Control/ designee will do weekly audits x 4 weeks. Audits will be reviewed at QAPI for further recommendations.